Are you Productive while Working from Home?

Nearly a million offices have been shut down during the pandemic, and hundreds of offices have been shut within Delhi, UN employing thousands of people. The economy went down like a roller coaster. It's not just that; the working system has been entirely shifted from a degree base job to a skill base, office to work from home, and being socially engaging to a zero connectivity. The lockdown has been relatively more manageable for the older generation who own homes, have extra space, and are settled. However, it is essential to remember that many younger workers live in shared accommodation and cannot be fully productive. Moreover, going to the office is an important social activity, for making friends and making new connections. If you are Self-employed or having work from home, ask yourself some questions- 1. Are you that productive as you were when working in an office environment. 2. Are you good with your habits of eating healthy and self-ca...